Raspberry Pi

As previously posted, I’ve now replaced my ageing NSLU2 with a raspberry pi.


oh my… look at those wires!

Having finally set it all up, and now having a case from ModMyPi, it’s nearly complete.  I’ll be doing a write up of all the set up, much like I did for my NSLU2 Debian installation.  The Pi is already proving a much more powerful beast – heck it’s got much more than 29MB worth of memory!

So much so, that currently my Pi is running:

  • One of either Twonky Special 7 or minidlna (still haven’t decided yet as I’m struggling to get Twonky to work with my Samsung Smart TV whereas minidlna does, but seems unreliable)
  • Apache web server running 3 virtual hosts – one external, one internal, and one for…
  • Subversion
  • My SQL
  • PHP5
  • SSH Server to gain access to my network via the internet (requires a public/private certificate combination but it still doesn’t stop those script kiddies having a go!)
  • Deny Hosts (for the above!)
  • Samba (plus swat for configuration)
  • Tight VNC Server should I need to remote into an X session

On the hardware side – I’ve got the following plugged in:

  • 16GB Micro SD (in adapter)
  • Powered Belkin 4 port USB
  • 280GB Seagate Hard Disk – hosting swap and core OS files not on SD
  • 2TB Data Disk
  • 1.5TB Backup disk
  • 1 * Webcam (still need to get this working!)
  • Connected via HMDI (through DVI converter) into my PC monitor
  • Connected to internet via Ethernet 10/100 through a switch.
  • Optional Keyboard/mouse plugged in for if/when I can’t get in via SSH following a reboot

In the meantime, I think I might go and tidy up all those wires 😉


NSLU2 Retirement for pi

It’s with a tear in my eye that I finally retire my long serving NSLU2 running debian.
It’s been a good servant as both a network gateway (SSH/Certificates) and a source control server, plus my media streamer, however the time has come to replace this with a raspberry pi 🙂

My dear SLUG, you’ve been great… now onto some pi

NSLU2 Update…

My SLUG is dead…….  kind of half powers up before dying.  I’m going to give CPR later with a hard reset just to see if I can shock it back to this world, but I fear it has gone forever 🙁

Long overdue NSLU2 Post

I’ve finally got my NSLU2 back up and running properly again!
I’ve ultimately reverted back to unslung after a dabble with Debian and OpenSlug but whilst these were much better and much more complete of an OS than uNSLUng, unlsung is much easier to use and repair when anything goes wrong!

Expect more NSLU2 posts as I start to do things again with it!


Following the second failure of my slug debian installation, I couldn’t bear to go through the lengthy 10 or so hour setup process, so I’ve decided to give SlugOS a try and see how I get on with this one.  It’s taken around an hour to flash/format/setup the disk, and install the core packages.

I’ve now got opkg and ipkg working….

Off to play now 🙂