E2Stream v6.7 (installer issues resolved)

I realised after reinstating my build server setup (via docker!) that the installer wasn’t quite working as it should, and probably explains the reasons why people have asked many times as to how they can install additional apps, or separate the app from the installer.  There was a bug preventing the burger menu from working on the installer, and therefore these options were not accessible.  This has now been resolved and those options now work!

Note this fix only changes the installer, not the app, so for those who have this working as needed, there is no need to update your install on the TV.

Change log:

v6.7 - 14/07/2018
* Fixed installer to allow for download of zip and specify of additional apps directory to install

Please note, the installation and setup requires you to enable a ‘develop’ account on your TV.
You also need Java v7 or v8 to run the installer.

Instructions to setup can be found here

E2Stream v6.7 is now available to download from here:

For any bugs, please email/post or create a new issue here

If you need to try and debug any options/issues, either download the debug build available from the downloads link at the top of this page, which starts the app by default in debug mode, or press the ‘Tools’ button on the remote before you experience the issue to see the debug log.

If you do use E2Stream, please consider donating to support the continued development and hosting costs of this app! You can donate any amount you feel is applicable here:

E2Stream v6.6

E2Stream v6.6 is now available to download from here:

Change log:

v6.6 - 27/09/20156
* Resolved issue with recordings/movie playback in relation
  to the changes made for the transcoding settings introduced
  in v6.5 that was preventing the playback of recordings.

Please note, the installation and setup requires you to enable a ‘develop’ account on your TV.
You also need Java v7 or v8 to run the installer.

Instructions to setup can be found here

For any bugs, please email/post or create a new issue here

If you do use E2Stream, please consider donating to support the continued development and hosting costs of this app! You can donate any amount you feel is applicable here:

E2Stream v6.5

E2Stream v6.5 is now available to download from here: E2stream (41711 downloads )

Change log:

v6.5 - 25/05/2015
* Implemented fix to avoid error on movie list items
  with no description (not normally E2 recordings!)
* Changed recordings/movie playback to honour the
  transcoding settings that are set in the settings menu
  to allow for playback of recordings using the
  transcoder if needed.

Please note, the installation and setup requires you to enable a ‘develop’ account on your TV.
You also need Java v7 or v8 to run the installer.

Instructions to setup can be found here

For any bugs, please email/post or create a new issue here

If you do use E2Stream, please consider donating to support the continued development and hosting costs of this app! You can donate any amount you feel is applicable here:

Building E2Stream

E2Stream is built through a combination of apache ant (http://ant.apache.org/), and Jenkins (http://jenkins-ci.org/). You don’t need to use Jenkins, but it does help to keep things simple

There are three ant build scripts, One in the E2Stream project, and two in the E2Stream-Installer, (one in assets, one in installer) project.

If using Jenkins, you’ll want to create a build job called E2stream.

1. Set Version Parameter

To build a release version, the scripts use an environment variable:


to hold the version number. This has to be a Major.Minor version number in order to prevent issues within the smart TV SDK, e.g. 6.3 This is done through Jenkins by having a parameterised build, with a text parameter named ‘setversion’, but could simply be an environment variable passed to ant if not using Jenkins.

2. Source Code for App

Next get the source for the Smart TV app from github using the following URL and the master branch (or branch of your choice!)


3. Set the Version Within the App

Now invoke the ‘version’ target in the build script. This modifies files within the build to contain the version number specified in the setversion parameter

4. Clear Debug

To build a release build, next you’ll want to ensure that the debug settings are not present, therefore invoke the ‘clearDebug’ target in the build script to do this.

5. Build App

Next call the ‘dist’ target to package up the app. This creates a zip file called ‘e2stream.pkg’ which excludes the build script, eclipse project files, and any .svn markers (code was previously in a google code subversion repository!)

6. Parameterised Trigger of E2Stream-Installer Build

Using Jenkins and a plugin, a parameterised build of the E2Stream-installer job is run next, passing the ‘setversion’ property.

7. Source code for Installer

Get the source code for the installer from the following github repository and branch of your choice:


8. Copy the e2stream.pkg to the installer build directory

This can be done with a copy, or by invoking the ‘jenkinsCombine’ target of the ant script within the e2stream-assets folder/project from the installer repository.

9. Compile and JAR the assets

Next, compile the java code within the assets, and copy all the assets (html/css/js) to a location along with the e2stream.pkg (ant target ‘dist’), and jar these into e2streamassets.jar, and move to the ‘installer’ project. (ant target ‘moveToInstaller’)

10 Build the Installer

Finally build the installer (ant target ‘dist’ in the installer build.xml). This compiles the installer, and creates an executable jar e2stream-installer.jar which containas the e2streamassets.jar. Finally, copy the readme.txt and .cmd file, then zip to creae a release zip file


Screen shots for Jenkins at a later date!

E2Stream v6.1

E2Stream v6.1 is now available to download from here: E2stream (41711 downloads )

Change log:

v6.1 - 15/02/2015
* Resolved channel up/down button issue when streaming a

Please note, the installation and setup requires you to enable a ‘develop’ account on your TV.
You also need Java v7 or v8 to run the installer.

Instructions to setup can be found here

For any bugs, please create a new issue here

If you do use E2Stream, please consider donating to support the continued development and hosting costs of this app! You can donate any amount you feel is applicable here: