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Q: When running the installer I get an error [ERROR] Unable to bind server to port 80, please close down any webservers or other server running on Port 80 and start this installer again | A: This means that there is already a web server running on port 80 on your machine. You will need to stop this for the installer to work as the Samsung TV expects the serverto be on port 80.The server is most likely to be either Apache or Microsoft IIS. You can possibly find out which by connecting to http://localhost in a browser, or using thenetstat command,netstat -a -b and find what executable is listening on port 80. Then kill/stop the server and run the installer |
Q: E2Stream is only supplier with a runable executable for windows, how do I run on a MAC / Linux machine. | A: You’ll first need to ensure you have aJRE (v7 or v8) installed. Then from a shell, you can locate the JVM with the commandwhich java Unzip the downloaded zip into a directory and cd into this directory, then run with the following command: /your-path-to-java/java -jar E2Stream-installer.jar replacing your-path-to-java with the location of your JRE |
Q: The installer is running find however my TV can’t connect to the installer when I synchronise | A: This is likely to be a firewall or anti-virus program denying access to port 80. Windows firewall in particular does prevent access. Therefore you might want to add an exemption to windows firewall, or more simply, just disable for the brief period where you’re synchronising with the TV and re-enable once the synchronisation is complete. |
Q: After installing E2Stream my other user synchronised apps have disappeared from the TV | A: Unfortunately this is just the way the Samsung smart TV works – you can only synchronise with one address, however, from the installer configuration (menu on the top left) you can also select an additional directory that contains Smart TV apps, then when you synchronise, these will also be installed to the TV at the same time. |
Q: I have a H-Series TV and can’t find the option to install/synchronise | A: You have to ‘long press’ on one of the apps for the menu |
Q: I’ve installed E2Stream on my D-Series SMART TV but it won’t stream any channels and stops at the ‘buffering’ stage. | A:E2Stream currently isn’t compatible with D-Series TVs. |
Q: Does E2Stream work with my Samsung SMART TV? | A: E2Stream currently works on E, F and H series SMART TVs, and currently is not compatible with D Series TVs due to the version of the streaming functionality in use not being available on this model TV. |
Q: Does E2Stream Support subtitles? | A: Not yet. The Samsung player is capable of supporting subtitles but so far I’ve not been able to get any subtitles transported with the stream and am still working on this |
Hey great application, question it is possible to set up subtitle
I’m hoping to take delivery of my Samsung smart telly tomorrow and am looking forward to installing E2Stream. I was wondering, is it possible for E2Stream to launch automatically when the TV starts up?
Q: I have a H-Series TV and can’t find the option to install/synchronise A: You have to ‘long press’ on one of the apps for the menu.
Can you please clarify – ‘long press’ on which one of the apps? If I long press on an app, say Twitter, I get the Setting Server IP box but only if I login to a Samsung Account as ‘develop’ (without a password). I can then input the IP address given in the installer but nothing happens when I press OK.
There does not appear to be any way of accessing the User Application and the installation instructions don’t match the menu I see. My H series has software version 2130 if that helps.
Would appreciate you help.
Is it possible to search Channel from the list ?
Tanks .
Not yet. I’ll add this as a feature request.
are there any plans for supporting the D-Series? I find your app very interesting, but cant use it because of my tv :-/
Try going into the advanced settings and enabling the legacy player and transcoding.
There has been limited success of getting it running on a D-Series using these settings.
Beyond this, it’s difficult to support the D-Series as it’s a limitation of the supported codecs/stream capability within the D-Series that prevents this from running correctly.
Hey, ive setuped my smart tv but when im choosing a channel it says:
‘(X) Error
The object can not be found there.
Error Message:
But on my Enigma2 reciever, its changes the channels. But on the smart tv it doesnt streams.
Sorry for my English im from Germany
What model is your SMART TV, C,D,E,F or H series?
The app is only supported on E,F and H series but you can get some moderate success on a D model by using the ‘legacy’ player in combination with transcoding.
As suggested, I tried the legacy player with my D model. I have the same problems like Batu: The channel are switching but there is no picture.How do I transcode? Do I need a PC for this? Because my dreambox dm800se hasnt enough power to transcode on the fly HD streams?
Unfortunately you need a more powerful E2 box to be able to transcode on the fly, e.g. a VU+ Duo2. The C and D series TVs don’t appear to be able to decode the .TS stream sent from the E2 box without it being transcoded, where as the E models onwards can do this. As such, there’s very little else I can do to support the C or D model – sorry 🙁
Just a question, because I’am technically interested…
Is there a possibility for http authentication and encryption (httpS) or is/are there some limitations?
BTW… excellent work. Impressive.
I have a samsung (F series) . The stream runs not on all versions of newnigma properly. Had an older version and everything was fine. Now with newer version of newnigma Channel selection does not switch somehow and as soon I switch, the error message “ERROR, NOT FOUND” appears. As soon I switch back to the channel which is choosen on the box itself, than the stream works. I think there must be something with the channel switch function, either a certain setup on the box ( web interface is enabled etc. ) but I could not find out what the route cause is. Any idea ?
By the way, as soon application starts, all channels/bouqets are listed in the menue….
Set the ‘zap to channel setting’ 🙂
Got the solution !
In case of this ERROR also described by BATU, there is also the option to switch to the “legacy” mode, without activating “transcoding” In my case it seems there is an older player version on TV as described in the installation menue. By setting “default” the box “streams” like “recording”, so the tuner is blocked to the selected channel on the box in case of older model or software on TV. That was the case or route cause for my model.
I switched to “legacy” and now the app is running. The only disadvantage is that the direct switch of the bouqet or channel with the arrows on remote does not work, so you need to use the “enter” button to get back to the “channel selection” . There you can switch to bouqet/channel. Might be an option to develop further 😉 to leverage functionality in the “legacy” mode.
Anyway, great stuff !!
When streaming some channels I get audio description as well as the normal audio – can this be disabled? and if so how?Thanks
If the TV detects multiple audio channels in the stream (for some reason it can’t always!) it will show the number of audio channels in the info bar. If there’s more than one, pressing the red ‘A’ button will change the audio channel.
Great thanks – I will give that a try.I\’m also having difficulty with recordings basically it gets stuck on the loading screen – I\’ve left it for 20 min or so and it doesn\’t come back.Fantastic software btw I\’ll send in a donation!
I’ll send you an email wih some debug info I need so that I can fix whatever is causing the problem.
Does anybody know if this nice application is running at a J-series Samsung TV(Model 2015)? I got the Information that these new models run Tizen OS. Don’t know how to Import local apps.
Not unless they support the old APIs…
I checked some Tizen details – it seems to be a complete change regarding OS, SDK and API and used p-languages. Is there a porting way for legacy applications available?
looks like there is… I’ll need to download the tizen based sdk, but I’m at a bit of a disadvantage not having a tizen based TV yet..
On that point I can help – I have one and if it can help to get it running…
let me try to port and build it. I’ll upload a beta once I’ve got it working in the emulator that you can try 🙂
Any News about the Tizen beta Version?
Hi Pembo, I would like e2stream to start up when I power on the TV. I read about using a ticker app to do this in the link below. Do you know if this might work with e2stream? Thanks
yeah – I’m investigating this 🙂
Great – good luck with the new SDK
Good day, Reading about testing on the J series. Are you any near supporting that one?I would like to sponser you if we can agree on a reasonable amount :-)Kind regards, Rien.
I’m working on it 🙂
good day
when i select a cannel the player open
but the wheel spinning en not more
gr wilfred
What model TV do you have?
Hi,i\’ve installed e2 stream on my ue55f7000 tv.But now when i gave in the ip number and want to connect i get a message that e2stream could not connect to the enigma receiver.I get an http 500 error.My stb is a Gigablue quad, and yes i\’ve done everything that is on the first screen in e2stream.Does someone know what is goeing wrong?Thanx in advanceStan
Please check openwebif works through a browser. If this doesn’t work let me know and I’ll send you a couple of queries to run.
Check the bouquets again!Some of them can’t be loaded by e2stream so there’s the 500 error.Use a bouquet editor to backup and then edit by removing some channels or bouquets .There might be a limited nr of channels that can be loaded.
I just want to say thanks – This is awsome software and it works great on my blu-ray player.
My player is BD-F6500 Smart 3D Blu-ray & DVD Player
Thanks – that’s the first confirmation of this working on a Blu-ray player 🙂
Hi, I own a UE40EH5300 and i tryd your app again after some time, and everything works well except for the streaming part.It says it\’s buffering and then stops with a error. So i thought maybe this needs a usb to \”cache/buffer\” but that didn\’t work either.Maybe you know this problem? Other from that GREAT app.
Have you made any further progress with the support for J series as yet?
Only a small amount of progress unfortunately Bob.
good luck Pembo, i’ve also a ‘J’ Series and can’t wait for any development, a donation is ready & waiting 🙂
hi i installed it it does connect to receiver i can see channel list even EPG but when i want ot watch it just say Erro The object can not be found here. error message Not found error
I’m about to buy a Samsung tv for the bedroom. I’m only buying a Samsung because of your app.
Unfortunately they only sell J series in the stores here…
So, my question is; Do you think that you will make it work on J series some time in the future, or should I look for a used Samsung tv from one of the supported series instead?
All the best and thanks for a apparently great product! ☺
My e2 is vu+ duo2
Same here 🙂
I installed this app on f6400 successfully.When I try to connect to my box, I get an http error code 500.I followed first screen instructions.What could I try?Tranks in advance.
download the debug build and send the text of the error.
Great app, but i have the as issue with the audio always choosing the NAR but not allowing me to change via the red button.
Done the usual on the enigma 2 box which doesn’t select it.
Any suggestions?
This is an annoying issue – there’s no way to get a particular audio stream from E2 – all audio streams are there, but the TV can’t detect them properly all the time. When it does, you can press ‘A’ to change the audio channel. It’s a TV software problem ultimately.
Hi, Want to ask if J-series Samsung TV supported now (UE32J5550) ?RegardsDorian
I’ve bought a Samsung smart TV UE40J6275.
Tried several ways to enter develop mode. It doesn’t seem to support this.
I know there are some other ways to install user apps by using a USB stick.
Could you please provide some explanation to the installation of your app?
I tried it on a older “H” model – and it works perfectly, but this is not the TV set I’ll use it on..
Thanks for your quick reply
hi i recently installed this on my f sreies by following all the instructions exactly but im getting a (i cant connect to your enigma 2 stb) message then at the bottom a (network_err: xmlhttprequest exeption 101) message.
i can stream off the box to my laptop and android devices but the tv just wont connect.
i have tried a wired connection, wireless connection, with and without dchp set on enigma 2 box but dont know what else to try.
is this software support lg smart tv webos ?
I have set the ip address as indicated by your pc uploader. Smart Hub displays \”User App Sync is requested\” but the application in the pc doesn\’t show doesn\’t move from the \”waiting for connection from tv\” and application won\’t be loaded in the tv.I disabled the firewall in my pc.Windows10, Java 1.8.0, TV Series UE32H6200.Thanks.
hi,I do not understand well the part of the installation with the PC before starting the step with the tv.Can you help me .\”On your PC Download The latest version of E2Stream here: e2stream —>Ok Extract the download zip into a directory of your choice. —>Ok Ensure you’ve installed a java JDK or JRE v1.7 or later. If not, download from here: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/ —>I have windows xp 32 bits For windows users, double click on the CMD file ‘e2stream-Install.cmd’ to start the installer. For non windows users, open a shell and type java -jar E2Stream-installer.jar This will open a command prompt window, and a browser window with instructions on how to install. Take note of the IP address in the browser page or command prompt/shell.Back to the TV:
Hi, I\’ve use your app on a Samsung UE40EH5200 and had functioning perfekt. I\’ve allready change Tv to UE39F5370S and after new configuration a\’m always receiving info from Tv NETWORK_ERR: XMLHttpRequest Exception 101. Any ideas ? Best Regards
Hi,Thank you very much for the nice app. I am able to use the app on my UNES series, which I brought from the US to Europe. I am only able to use legacy mode, but if I want to change the channel I have to enter it twice to make it work. If I do use the default and not the legacy mode I have a strange colored bar at the bottom of the screen. Is there anyway you can help me with these issues?Thank you best regards
Is it possible to install it on k5579?When i want to Login as developer i must leave a email Adress with an @…. Please help!
Hi, iv’ used e2stream for years but after the last update of my mutant 2400 I get an error “I did not get a response from your Enigma 2 set top box.” No settings were changed and watching the TV through dreamdroid or plex dreambox work normal. I updated e2stream to version 6.6 but still I get the error. Does anyone have an idea what the problem can be?
I have a samsung smart tv. No settings were changed on the TV or settop box.
can the e2stream be installed on a series 6 if so how
Trying to install on JU6400 Series 6When trying to install E2stream on PC I can only get as far as connecting to TV and it just hangs on trying to connect to my IP address and can\’t go any further. Any help please.
Hey pembo, what\’s the current state about using this app on J-series? Are there any real chances to get this app working on it, soon?
Sorry – It’s pretty much a complete rewrite (thanks Samsung 🙁 ). There is some ‘porting’ information but it’s sketchy at best, and I still don’t have a J-Series TV to test it on.
Hi, and thanks.
I have used E2stream for many years, wonderful, but my samsung es series tv decided that I had to reset everything..and so I did. I installed everything as a guide but right at the end, at the last step, at the time of download and installation of E2stream on smarthub, this message: “installation failed. for more information visit http://www.samsungdforum.com/support .. .
What’s wrong?
Can you help me?
Hi Pembo,
I installed your great app on my H-Series and it works great. I noticed a slight hitch which I wanted to run by you to see if I am not missing anything in my settings. I want to use an Ethernet cable between my TV and STB (to avoid contested WiFi channels) on same subnet instead of the WiFi. When I try running the app on my TV with active wired connection then I get warning box complaining about lack of Internet connection and the app does not starts. I have confirmed my (wired) network’s interface settings by browsing WEBIF on TV’s browser. I usually use phone’s hotspot to access Internet on STB, TV and other WiFi enabled devices. I am using v6.7 and I will be happy to screenshots/pictures (which you think are needed to help troubleshooting the issue) later when I get back to home.
PS: I am not a power user when it comes to Smart TV but I wonder if there is some way to delete cache/application data in case the app is trying to access the IP associated with the wireless interface.
Thanks and Best Regards,