E2Stream v1.1

I’m pleased to officially release E2Stream (v1.1)
The Samsung SMART TV app to stream your enigma 2 based set top box to your SMART TV.


This release is now fully downloadable and comes with it’s own installer to allow you to install this to your Samsung SMART TV without having to connect to a hosted instance of the sync server.

There are still a few known issues with this so bear with me, a couple of the major/obvious ones being:

  • Non HD channels show in 4:3.
    I did implement a fix for this, however it caused some other issues which I’m still investigating.  The Samsung video player is a little ‘suspect’ and I’m working on an alternative approach.
  • Full Screen.
    Shows the return button to go back however, this currently only the ‘Enter’ button works.

Please note, the installation and setup  still isn’t the most user friendly process as it requires you to enable a ‘develop’ account on your TV.  Instructions to setup can be found here

Note – the installer requires Java v7 or v8 to run. 

You can download this here: [download#26#nohits]

For any bugs, please create a new issue here

If you do use E2Stream, please consider donating an amount of your choice to support the continued development and hosting costs of this app!

You can donate any amount you feel is applicable here:



E2Stream Beta

E2Stream – my enigma 2 Samsung smart TV Streaming app is now ready for a limited beta rollout.



For anyone  interested, please take a look here and then contact me using the link from the install page to request access.

This has taken some considerable effort to get this far, and requires dedicated server hosting to enable synchronisation with the Samsung Smart TV.  Therefore if you do get some value from this, please consider donating to help cover these costs and enable continued support and access.

You can donate any amount you feel is applicable here:


My Next Project – Enigma2 Samsung SMART TV App

Update: You can download the latest release of this here from the landing page

So, on my drive to improve my home automation and connect my things together. My next great drive towards this is to connect my Enigma2 based satellite receiver to Samsung SMART TVs in other rooms of the house using streaming video over the LAN.

Much to my surprise, there wasn’t too much around that made this possible, so I’ve started putting something together myself and already have a working proof of concept.

This works using the enigma 2 apis and OpenWebIF. Will retrieve the bouquet list from the receiver and present this, and then will fetch the picon and epg entry for each channel as you browse the list. You can play the video in the small window or full screen.


Windows Media Center – Recorded TV

Having purchased a NAS server recently, I wanted to ‘record’ DVB TV from windows media center onto the NAS Server disks rather than locally, so recorded programs would be available via DLNA.

Much to my surprise, I couldn’t setup MCE to do this, and any nas compatible options were not compatible with my DVB-S USB stick, so, I worked around this.

Using a command script/batch file, and windows scheduler, I’ve been able to schedule a recording in the TV Guide, then convert and copy to the NAS Drive in a DLNA compatible format!

At first, I started using SyncToy, but changed this later on as it wasn’t really needed.

The script works as follows:

  1. Moves the MCE wtv file to a temporary directory if it’ not in use (i.e a recording currently taking place)
  2. In the temp directory, converts to DVR-MS, and then to MPEG via FFMPEG
  3. Moves the MP4 to a target folder on the NAS Server.

Then I create a schedule that starts on bootup, and runs every hour after.  The script also logs out to a logfile so that you can see what happens during schedule execution.

The end result, I can schedule a recording within the guide, and within an hour of completion of the program, this is available on the NAS Server via DLNA to my smart TV.

So, here it is.
To make this work, you’ll need to modify the configuration, and grab a copy off FFMPEG.

@echo off

rem ___________________________________________________________________________
rem Configurable Settings
rem ___________________________________________________________________________

set datetimef=%date:~-4%_%date:~3,2%_%date:~0,2%
set LOGFILE=c:\scripts\moveTV\moveTV_%datetimef%.log

set TEMPTV=c:\scripts\moveTV\temp
set MCERECORDEDTV=C:\Users\Public\Recorded TV
set WTVCONVERTER=C:\Windows\ehome\wtvconverter.exe
set FFMPEG=C:\Scripts\ffmpeg\bin\ffmpeg.exe
set TARGET=\\homenas\multimedia\My Videos\Recorded TV
set LOCKFILE=C:\Scripts\moveTV\lockfile

rem ___________________________________________________________________________
rem Check Lockfile
rem If lockfile exists (script still running) then terminate
rem else create the lockfile
rem ___________________________________________________________________________

echo Checking lockfile

echo Running > %LOCKFILE%
date /T >> %LOCKFILE%
time /T >> %LOCKFILE%

rem ___________________________________________________________________________
rem Roll over log file
rem If we're on the 1st of the month start a new logfile
rem ___________________________________________________________________________

set DATE=%date%
set DAY=%DATE:~0,2%
echo %DAY%

set TIME=%time%
set TIMe=%TIME:~-0,2%
echo %TIME%

rem Delete any log files older than 3 days
for /f "skip=3 eol=: delims=" %%F in ('dir /b /o-d moveTV*.log') do @del "%%F"

rem ___________________________________________________________________________
rem Initilise
rem ___________________________________________________________________________

echo +-------------------------------------+
echo   Transfer Recorded TV to NAS Server  
echo +-------------------------------------+

echo. >> %LOGFILE%
echo == Started Transfer of TV ============
echo == Started Transfer of TV ============ >> %LOGFILE%
echo Start Date:
date /T
time /T
date /T >> %LOGFILE%
time /T >> %LOGFILE%

rem ___________________________________________________________________________
rem Move recorded TV to temp directory for conversion
rem ___________________________________________________________________________

for %%f in ("%MCERECORDEDTV%\*.wtv") do (
  echo Checking File: %%~nf
    type nul >> "%MCERECORDEDTV%\%%~nf.wtv"
  ) 2>nul && move "%MCERECORDEDTV%\%%~nf.wtv" "%TEMPTV%" >> %LOGFILE% || echo File %%~nf.wtv Skipped - Is currently in use >> %LOGFILE%

echo Moved Files to Temporary Location

rem ___________________________________________________________________________
rem Move Convert *.WTV files in the temp directory to dvr-ms and then MP4
rem ___________________________________________________________________________

for %%f in ("%TEMPTV%\*.wtv") do (

  echo Converting File: %%~nf
  echo Converting File: %%~nf >> %LOGFILE%
  echo ---------------------------------------------------------------
  %WTVCONVERTER% "%TEMPTV%\%%~nf.wtv" "%TEMPTV%\%%~nf.dvr-ms"  >> %LOGFILE%
  rem %FFMPEG% -i "%TEMPTV%\%%~nf.dvr-ms" -y -filter:v yadif -vcodec libx264 -crf 15 "%TEMPTV%\%%~nf.mp4" >> %LOGFILE%
  %FFMPEG% -y -i "%TEMPTV%\%%~nf.dvr-ms" -vcodec copy -acodec copy -f dvd "%TEMPTV%\%%~nf.mpg" >> %LOGFILE%
  echo Conversion Complete - deleting original DVRMS and WTV
  echo File %%~nf Conversion complete
  echo Conversion of File: %%~nf Complete >> %LOGFILE%
  echo Moving File: %%~nf.mpg to %TARGET%
  echo Moving File: %%~nf.mpg to %TARGET% >> %LOGFILE%
  move /Y "%TEMPTV%\%%~nf.mpg" "%TARGET%"

  rem !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  rem !!!!! Delete the recorded MCE program? !!!!!
  rem !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  del "%MCERECORDEDTV%\%%~nf.wtv"

  rem !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  echo ---------------------------------------------------------------

echo Sync Complete

rem ___________________________________________________________________________
rem Cleanup files in the temp folder and the 'recorded tv folder' if needed
rem ___________________________________________________________________________

echo Cleanup of converted files

del "%TEMPTV%\*.dvr-ms"
del "%TEMPTV%\*.wtv"
del "%TEMPTV%\*.mpg"




rem ___________________________________________________________________________
rem ___________________________________________________________________________

echo LOCKFILE exists... terminating

rem ___________________________________________________________________________
rem END
rem ___________________________________________________________________________

time /T
time /T >> %LOGFILE%
echo *** Done ***
echo *** Done *** >> %LOGFILE%

If you find this useful, please just let me know with a thanks 😉

Lightwave RF Control Update

I’ve been working hard on updating the Lightwave RF Control development to take it out of beta.

I’ve resolved a number of issues/bugs, added multiple device queuing to the arduino code and therefore the ability to power off/on an entire room as shown in the screen shot below.  This required introduction of another serial message format to pass to the transmitting device from the web application, and an separation of some of the serial code/transmission to help with this.  It also required rethinking the UI a little to group controls on the screen better, and introduce (and differentiate) the whole room option where there is more than one device in the room.   This transmits a queue of devices to power on/off each device in the room sequentially.


I’m still ironing out the last few bugs, but this should be released soon for anyone interested once I’ve put the ‘sequence’ code together to allow you to create your own sequences!