BootMii Configuration Editor Questions/Issues/Suggestions/Support

If any one has any issues with BootMii Configuration Editor, would like to ask any questions, or perhaps you even have some suggestions on how to improve it, please follow the link in the menu to go to my forums page and post in the BootMii Configuration Editor sub forum.

There has been a report of a crash when entering the settings dialog, changing the skin and pressing to save the options.  I’ve been unable to recreate this in my testing.  If you experience this error, please can you report this in the forum.

There have been issues reported in previous versions that occurred when users launched from the earlier versions of the homebrew channel (v1.0.1)  All my testing has been through the latest version of the HBC (v1.0.3) and I’ve yet to experience a crash.

You’ll need to register to post in the forum – this is just to keep the spamming to a minimum.

Life after the slug

I was wondering how I’d cope if my slug suddenly gave up the go, and have been considering some alternatives for the past couple of months.

The best of these so far seems to be to get an Asus EEE Box, remove windows and replace with a linux distro, probably Ubuntu or Gentoo though I’ve also been considering whether or not I’d install a console only flavour of unix and carry on using it as a server only.

The EEE-Box…


is low powered, reasonably priced and isn’t too large – seems a viable alternative when my Slug finally goes.  Hopefully it’s got some life left just yet, though I do make it work hard 😉